Working theraputically to heal the inner child

This workshop is aimed at equipping professionals with therapeutic tools & salient skills, to enhance and further develop their portfolio and toolkit. It is open to all psychotherapists, social workers, psychologists, psychology practitioners, psychology assistants in training, psychiatrists, counsellors, guidance teachers, youth workers, psychiatric nurses, and more. 
This workshop will hone in on the deep and meaningful work we can do with narcissistic injuries and early trauma in clients, when they present in the therapy room. The workshop environment will be one of experiential learning, so it is both therapeutic and educational. Cher will generously provide a toolbox of innovative interventions, skills and exercises, supported by theoretical underpinnings, that she has collected through the last two decades of practicing Inner Child work with very satisfying results. 
Open to any mental health professionals, but limited to a maximum of 15 persons, on a first come first served basis 

​Location: Polaris BrainGym and Wellbeing Factory, Mosta

Schedule an Appointment